Every person deserves the chance to live in freedom and security with the opportunity for a brighter future.
Sadly, many people around the world are at risk. They are suffering and unable to escape and they need your help.
Every $30 you give today can help provide one person with the tools they need to build a better life: the opportunity to get an education, to access job training, earn a dependable income, and more.
Give now to provide what vulnerable people need most: rescue, opportunities, and hope.
A monthly gift is the most effective way to support ADRA’s work all year.
Your eCard will be sent automatically on the date you select below
My donation is $0 per month
Please enter your number in the following format: 5555555555
Your tax receipt will be sent to this email address, as well as information about your account
Checking this box means that your name will not be shared in any Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) material (like our Annual Report), and that you will be recognized as an anonymous donor. You will still receive a tax receipt in your name.
The CVV is imprinted on credit cards to help merchants verify transactions when the actual card is not present, such as Internet purchases or donations.
Visa, Master Card, and Discover: The CVV for Visa, Master Card, and Discover is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card in the signature panel.
American Express: The American Express CVV is a 4-digit number printed on the front of your card, to the right of the embossed account number.
The postal code submitted must match what the credit card issuing bank has on file. Otherwise, the transaction may be declined.
Unrestricted donations contribute to ADRA's entire mission. For details, including matching gifts and compliance with state fundraising regulations, go to adra.org/fundraising. If you choose to restrict a gift, 90% of the gift is used for the purpose specified. Occasionally, we may suggest modifying the restriction.